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Women In Franchising, July 2016
Women In Franchising, July 2016
Meet award winning Moni Fasesin and husband Francis, owners of Caremark (Ealing). She and her husband Francis, a community pharmacist, both knew they wanted to own their own business, but what exactly?
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Caremark, July 2016

July 2016

Women In Franchising, July 2016 | Caremark FranchiseThis month we meet award winning Moni Fasesin and husband Francis, owners of Caremark (Ealing). When Moni looked into buying a home care franchise with Caremark, she already had experience of working in the community from her earlier career path, having had a successful job within health and social care.

She and her husband Francis, a community pharmacist, both knew they wanted to own their own business, but what exactly?

To find out more about the Caremark Franchise click here to visit their profile page.

Moni’s background and qualifications equip her well to work within home care, plus her voluntary work as a community coach for Home Start Barnet supporting families in the London Borough of Barnet gives her the hands-on experience of community work. Her husband Francis, having a background in pharmacy has gained valuable client and business related skills.

Prior to looking into a care business, Moni worked at The Royal Free Hospital as a Special Educational Needs and Community Pediatric Service Co-ordinator within the Dept of Child Health and before that she had extensive experience as a Health Care Assistant in the same hospital.

Their combined desire to run their own business was absolute. However, they had to make a decision as to which way to go.

Women In Franchising, July 2016 | Caremark FranchiseMoni takes up the story: “The choice we had to make was either to own a pharmacy or set up some other kind of business, and it was Caremark’s presentation at The National Franchise Exhibition in Birmingham and then a visit to the company owned office which clinched it for us.”

Hard working and passionate about contributing to the welfare of their community, Moni as Care Manager has made big in-roads into growing and developing their reputation as a quality care provider in Ealing.

With Francis taking care of the financial and business side of the enterprise, the couple quickly found complementary roles within the business and saw their company go from a standing start in 2013 to scooping the Caremark Newcomer Award at this year’s Caremark Conference.

Moni’s naturally warm and engaging manner lends itself to forging good relationships with other stakeholders in the community and both she and Francis worked hard to establish the brand and acquire a reputation for quality and reliability.

Moni continues: “We have discovered that the most effective strategy is the quality of service we deliver. Word spreads quickly within social care provision as there is high inter-mobility of the work force such as is not seen in any other business. We have built a good rapport with the local authority: social workers, the contracts team, as well as the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

Women In Franchising, July 2016 | Caremark FranchiseBeing able to network and speak confidently across a broad spectrum of people is crucial in this sector. No two days are the same in the care business and as Care Manager one needs to be able to move smoothly from speaking to a distressed relative considering care for their loved one to discussing a care package with the local authority’s commissioning team.

Moni’s earlier work experience at ground level has proved to be invaluable and has enabled her to build confidence in the vulnerable people that she serves.

Competition for business is brisk, but Moni understands that a great service, competitively priced care and an efficient and loyal team will keep the return business coming.

We have just started taking on live-in packages and we intend to pursue its growth” says Francis. When it came to funding, Moni and Francis, like many new business owners, went the way of financing the new enterprise through one of the major banks, securing the franchise with a deposit from their own funds.

With the business continuing to grow at a steady pace, Moni is confident that she and Francis made the right decision to launch their own enterprise.

With one Caremark award under their belt, they are now keen to collect a few more and are very proud of all they have achieved so far. “This can only spur us into taking our business to a higher level. It was humbling to have been nominated and then voted as the winner,” said Francis.

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