Gavin Flaxman joined Healthcare Practice as a Partner in 2013 and is based in central Surrey. He was previously an accountant and wanted a business where he could work for himself and be in control of his own diary – Healthcare Practice offered him that opportunity.
Healthcare Practice is an ethical, not-for-profit insurer that has a mantra of 'Treating customers as we wish to be treated ourselves' and makes customer service a way of life. Healthcare Practice Partners work as consultants in healthcare solutions, this means responding to customer queries in a timely fashion with sound professional advice. They liaise with Head Office support teams to ensure compliance with procedures, and build relationships with potential customers to understand their healthcare needs.
Gavin’s life has changed out of all recognition since he left the city and became a Partner with Healthcare Practice. He feels he is no longer constrained by the corporate shackles and relishes in the daily challenges that give him a real sense of freedom and purpose.
Each day Gavin builds his own business based on high levels of personal activity and developing relationships. Networking or client meeting commitments combined with ongoing customer administration responsibilities means that his workload can often build up. Therefore good organisational skills and processes are essential.
Gavin’s new business referrals emanate from a variety of sources – existing customers, networking colleagues, telesales appointments, introducers and occasionally the Head Office support team. He maintains that all such opportunities should be pursued diligently with an open mind and a positive demeanour.
Healthcare Practice is a flexible franchise so appointments can be arranged around personal commitments. However Gavin advises that being a Partner is not always easy – there are ‘ups and downs’ making patience and persistence crucial.
Gavin’s advice to anyone who is considering becoming a Healthcare Practice Partner is that "you may not close every opportunity, but with the right approach and attitude your Healthcare Practice business will develop each day!"
Alex Budd, a WPA Healthcare Partner, talks about the transition he made just under three years ago
Mark Tomlinson joined WPA Healthcare Practice in September 2010 as a franchisee in the South West.
Simon Marks came from the banking sector and took over a well-established portfolio of customers in Northern Ireland in November 2012.
For Matt Trapnell Healthcare Practice has led to a fulfilling second career.
Meet, David O'Toole, a member of the Healthcare Practice Partner Team.
Lynda Buntin started her Healthcare Practice Franchise in Northamptonshire in May 2009.
For Rachel Dumont-Baber being a Healthcare Practice Partner allows her the perfect work-life balance.
Seven years ago Phil Arnold became his own boss as a Healthcare Practice Partner.
Lynda Buntin was recently named as Healthcare Practice Partner of the Year and talks about her business in Northampton and Peterborough.
"TheHealthcare Practice opportunity attracted me. I had no medical or sales background but I knew I was good with people and felt I could provide advice."
Uckfield man and Healthcare Practice partner, Dan Wade says that looking after his customers has been the key to his success.
Discover what your life could be like as a Healthcare Practice partner through Uel Campbell.
When Robert Westhorp set off for The British Franchise Exhibition in Manchester five years ago, he had no idea that he would meet a former supplier and eventually join the company.
"There’s far more to being a partner with Healthcare Practice than selling insurance policies", find out from Healthcare Practice partner Lorna Smith.
The Healthcare Practice is unique… I’ve never worked with a company that look after you so well. Joining them was the best decision I have made in my life, hand on heart.Bob Grace - Healthcare Partner since 1999
Attending an Open Day and seeing the slick and technologically advanced operation behind the scene convinced me I was making the right choice. By the time I left the Open Day, I had made up my mind that WPA was a company which lived the business values that matched my own.David Rollock – Healthcare Partner since September 2014
My advice for anyone looking to become a Healthcare Partner is just do it! If there is a practice available near you then absolutely go for it. The training, the support, the help, the advice - it’s been the best decision that I’ve made.Ross Le Jeune - Healthcare Partner since 2016
Award winning customer service
Build a solid and sustainable long-term business
A not for profit organisation that really cares about customers