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Mother Nature Science Case Study
Mother Nature Science Case Study
Sharen Sia says that she has made the right choice as the support from the Mother Nature Science Franchise Team is second to none, sometimes just a text or phone call away from resolving enquiries and problems.
Mother Nature Science Case Study
Franchise Information
  • BFA Membership StatusProvisional
  • UK Years Established11 years
  • Current UK Coverage5%
  • Franchisee Support Staff3
  • Personal Investment Req.£4,500
  • Total Startup Cost£15,000
  • Home-based business locationYes
  • Business to consumer servicesYes
  • Franchisee employs staffYes
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The Path to Inspire Children in Science

Name: Sharen Sia
Location: Hertfordshire
Franchise: Mother Nature Science Hertfordshire, t/a I Love Science Ltd

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what you were doing prior to buying a franchise business?

Prior to this, I was dealing in Medical Science Technologies for the last decade; from pharmaceuticals to medical imaging industries I saw the ever-changing medical advancement in improving life expectancy.

How did you hear about the Franchise?

From a friend.

Can you also tell us about the franchise you have bought?

Mother Nature Science started its incorporation in London since 2007. For the past 10 years the Mother Nature Science team have worked with local schools and parents to inspire children with Science. It has extensive networking circles in schools across London and parent groups. The curriculums are for children from the age of 5 to 12 years-old and deliver After-School Clubs, Holiday Camps, School Workshops and Birthday Parties.

Why did you go down the franchise route? What made you choose your industry? And why did you choose your franchise?

Mother Nature Science | Sharen SiaI’ve always had a passion for Science from a young age. Being a science graduate, I see the importance of inspiring the younger generation to have fun in Science. There are many franchise models to be purchased out there, I’ve spent time studying their company profiles and business models. None of them ticked all the boxes but Mother Nature Science does, after rounds of consideration.

How did you raise the finance?

I was self-funded with my savings.

What training and support did you receive to help get your franchise launched?

I started with 5 days intensive in-house training. I was introduced to the Mother Nature Science Franchise Team which comprises of Luke, Varun, Rose and Aisha.

The training was a very dedicated one-to-one training. The main area was to show me how to run the business from the start. Marketing involves setting up my company, telephone, bank, office and promoting my company on social media (Facebook and Google PPC etc.). Sales oversees the income generating activities, figures and how to handle new enquiries from parents/schools. The support from Operation team ensures all issues including instructors and recruitment synchronise with the sales/marketing activities.

I am lucky to say that I have made the right choice as the support from the Franchise Team is second to none, sometimes just a text or phone call away from resolving my enquiries and problems.

What was the most valuable part of your training?

The most valuable part is the experience of the Mother Nature Science team. Which is all unselfishly shared with their franchisees. They have over 10 years of concrete children education and entertainment experience, coupled with real life case scenarios.

Did the training meet your expectations?

Besides the in-house training, I was able to observe every one of their services. I have been to Workshop/Assembly, Holiday Camp, Birthday Party and School Club, worked along with their instructors. The observation and assisting along the lead instructors had definitely enhanced the training as I can see the bigger picture even before I start my own.

How would you describe your role as a franchisee?

My franchise area is Hertfordshire. I am delighted to establish my presence in this new area. My role involves promoting Mother Nature Science beyond London, so that the children in this area can also benefit from our services.

What have been the biggest challenges so far in getting your franchise launched? And how have you dealt with them?

As I mentioned, every area poses different challenges; my biggest challenge is to promote Mother Nature Science in a new area/county. I took it positively, seek advice from the team and we grow together as a team. Every day I’ve learnt something new, amazing!

How long do you expect to be running the franchise?

This franchise is my career and my passion, hopefully I can further expand my franchise business.

What are the most positive outcomes for you personally since becoming a franchisee?

I have put my passion into something I really enjoy doing so far, I am grateful for the opportunity.

Any advice for someone considering franchising?

  • Find a franchise that you have the passion/interest in
  • Research and ask questions during Discovery Day
  • Set a positive mindset and be prepared to accept challenges

Find out how you can start your own Mother Nature Science Franchise by clicking below

A Mother Nature Science Franchise Provides Flexible Working PatternsA Mother Nature Science Franchise Provides Flexible Working Patterns

Running her Mother Nature Science franchise in London allows Samira Kashefi to spend more time with her children.

What Our Franchisees Say

It has provided me with more flexible working patterns. I spend less on childcare I am able to spend more time with my kids. I have become more confident in communicating with various people and learned many new skills, including exceptional organisation and management skills.Samira Kashefi

The Mother Nature Science Franchise option was a great opportunity for me to consider as it meant I was able to kick start my passion working with children, operate it as my own business.Jennifer Chung

I am lucky to say that I have made the right choice as the support from the Franchise Team is second to none, sometimes just a text or phone call away from resolving my enquiries and problems.Sharen Sia

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Unlimited support for the complete duration of your franchise from your dedicated Franchise Support Team

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