FemaleFranchise UK Franchises and Business Opportunities For Women
BabyBeats Franchise Case Study
BabyBeats Franchise Case Study
Introducing new BabyBeats® franchisee Lakesha.
BabyBeats Franchise Case Study
Franchise Information
  • BFA Membership Status-
  • UK Years Established3 years
  • Current UK Coverage5%
  • Franchisee Support Staff5
  • Total Startup Cost£6,995
  • Venue-based business locationYes
  • Franchisee operates individuallyYes
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Interview With New Franchisee


BabyBeats® Franchise - Postnatal Support FranchiseWhat initially drew you towards BabyBeats®/Mindful Movers®?

I was looking for a business opportunity that I could run alongside my current role. I love what BabyBeats® has to offer. I love the fact that BabyBeats® incorporates baby massage, fitness with sensory play so new mums don't have to find different groups to go to, everything is covered in one BabyBeats® class.

Did the course meet the expectations you had before attending? Please let us know why.

Yes, the course was very informative. There's so much to learn and the support you get is amazing.

Did you find your course tutor knowledgeable?

Yes, Rose is so knowledgeable and has expansive experience within the fitness field, I learnt so much.

Do you feel you will be well supported in your new business?

Yes I do, I know I can call or give BabyBeats® a quick message and they will be there to answer any questions I have.

After doing your course, what for you stood out as the biggest benefit to joining BabyBeats® & Mindful Movers®?

The help and support was the biggest benefit for me. I know I will never be alone on my BabyBeats®journey. It's great to be in a team with other working mums as they are so easy to relate to.

Find out more about starting your own franchise with BabyBeats® and Mindful Movers® by clicking below

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Introducing Emma from BabyBeats® Cardiff


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